DDS based Function Generator


Features of DDS Function Generator

  1. Compact uC based system with 2 Line LCD interface & keypad (4 keys) and two potentiometers.
  2. Settable frequency from 0-1MHz with a resolution of 1Hz in all ranges.
  3. Potentiometer-1 used for Coarse Tuning & Potentiometer-2 used for Fine Tuning of the frequency setting.
  4. Four Keys – UP Key, DOWN key for Range Selection, Waveform Select key & Enter key.
  5. Following table consist the range selection, with accuracy & resolution:
S.No Range Selection Potentiometer-1 Range – Coarse Tuning Potentiometer-2 Range – Fine Tuning Accuracy Display Resolution
1. 0-10Hz 0-10Hz - +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
2. 10-100Hz 10-100Hz - +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
3. 100-1000Hz 100 – 990Hz 0-10Hz +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
4. 1KHz-10KHz 1KHz – 9900Hz 0-100Hz +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
5. 10KHz-100KHz 10KHz – 99KHz 0-100Hz +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
6. 100KHz-1MHz 100KHz – 900KHz 0-1000Hz +/- 1Hz +/- 1Hz
  1. Selectable Sine & Triangle Waveform. Square & Pulse waveform can be generated by using additional circuits using sine or triangle.
  2. Maximum Amplitude of 4.50V. (also can be increased by additional circuits)
  3. Amplitude Display on LCD. (0-5V or 0-15V according to specification).
  4. Unit working with +5V/ 100mA.


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Designed by : Pisumathu